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Welcome to Simple Saint Celebrations! I am Kelsey: wife, mother, maker of lists. This site started as a list for myself. I found that I had a number of books about Saints, and found some great resources online, but never got around to doing anything with them. I started marking the dates on my calendar and had a list of the resources. That way I could try to read the story, watch the video, etc. with my kids on the Saint's Feast Day. I found this to be really helpful, and thought maybe other busy moms could use this list, as well. I don't have the gift of making my own content, but I can make lists! So I'm trying to share that gift and see what God will do with it. We're not called to be successful, just faithful.


Thank you for taking the time to take a look!

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I am still figuring this all out right now, so please know that the site uses cookies, and I think it gives me analytic information, but I don't get any personal information. If you subscribe with your email address, rest assured that I won't share it or sell it.

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